29 June 2009

Searching for a Suitcase on Saturday

We are starting to plan our exit!  This is very exciting, however, it is going to require another suitcase.  There was no room to spare in our suitcases on the way here and we have of course acquired a few items on our travels.  Caroline and I went to Huddersfield in search of another cheap suitcase.  We walked all around going from market to market and checking out all the charity shops.  We found a nice large black one that should do the trick.  I had intended to get another smaller suitcase, but once I started looking I got scared and went with the big one.  I think that would prove to be a wise choice.  Caroline did really well with the help of a candy necklace as bribery.  I took her to McDonald's for lunch as her special treat.  We even got to eat upstairs at this fancy McDonald's.  How exciting!  

As we walked down the street Caroline suddenly got very excited and said "Mommy, a castle!"  It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about, for as many times as we have been to Huddersfield, I have yet to see a castle.  Sure enough in the distance there was a pink blow-up castle with a yellow slide.  The closer we got, the larger it got!  It was two pounds per child per ten minutes.  I gave the man the money and away she went.  It took a little while to get up the stairs.  I felt bad because all the older kids were passing her and she kept glancing back at me looking for encouragement.  Finally she made it all the way to the top.  It was way up there!  She turned around and came down on her belly.  It was a tall and fast slide.  The look on her face was that of uncertainty.  I helped her up and she tried again.  I would have gone with her but adults were not allowed.  This time she came down the slide really fast and it scared her!  Caroline decided that maybe this castle was not as fun as it looked.  She kept saying "It's too faster Mommy!"  The nice man gave me my money back since Caroline was only on it for a few minutes.  Back to the bus and home to the flat.

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