29 June 2009

Farewell Friday

It was Friday and that meant Anna was leaving us.  Her train didn't leave until after lunch so we had one last morning with an extra set of hands.  Anna took the kids out to play while Chad and I did laundry, cleaned the kitchen and enjoyed a few final moments of peace.  The kids found a small hill to run down and did that many times this morning.  Caroline can make it without falling, but you never know if Tucker will stumble or not.  Even when he trips, he looks up and laughs because he loves every minute of it!  

There is no doubt that Tucker is 100% boy.  We can't go anywhere without him picking up a handful of gravel and a stick.  It is cute to watch him find the right stick.  Not just any stick will do.  Once he has selected a good one he is ready to go.  Often times Caroline will find a stick and hand it to him because she knows that is what he is looking for.  Sometimes he keeps it and other times he tosses it aside when she is not looking and finds is own.

Around noon we went into Mirfield and had a quick lunch at Boo's Cafe.  Chad and the kids had scrambled eggs on toast, and Anna and I had paninis.  This was a small little cafe that barely accommodated our single stroller.  However, we were hungry and there weren't too many choices.  We were just a short walk from the train platform, so after lunch Anna headed down to catch her train back to Oxford.  Caroline cried and cried.  I am not sure if she was more upset that Anna was leaving or because she did not get to go on the train.  Chad and I are convinced that our kids are going to go through public transportation withdraw when we leave.  They love the bus and train!

Back home for naps, dinner, more outside time and then bed.  We are getting anxious to get home for many reasons, one being a change of scenery.  At this point we just can't get excited about seeing the goldfish for the 20 millionth time.  The kids still enjoy it, so we go.  I can't say that I will miss the goldfish (or the stinky chickens!).

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