On Friday I took the kids to the Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga to check out the Curious George exhibit. It was really cool! Tucker was a big fan and kept saying "Gerge, Mommy! Gerge!" We also spent time in the play kitchen, listening and making music, playing with clay and splashing in the water. However, I think the kids' favorite was playing with dinosaurs and sand. This has always been Caroline's favorite spot, but now that Tuck is interested in dinosaurs, he loved it too! After the museum we made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for Mama...FUN DAY!!!
28 September 2009
24 September 2009
Today was Cowboy and Cowgirl Day in honor of the letter "C." Caroline was convinced that she was going to ride a horse today. Thankfully, she still had a great day even though no horses were involved. They made the hats and mustaches and painted a picture of a cactus. The class also played pin the nose on the clown and sang songs about cows. Hopefully she now knows the letter "C"...it's kind of important :)
Looks like Caroline will be a reader. She was reading a book while her friends were playing. Daddy is so proud!
Cowgirl day is so exciting!!
23 September 2009
My little baby boy Tucker is not my little baby boy anymore. Ok, so maybe it has been a long time since he has been my baby, but I still think of him as that. He has been speaking in sentences since July, but not everything he says is a full sentence. His first sentence was this summer on the Exmore playground. He looked out at the road and said "I see a bus!" No surprise that the word "bus" was in his first sentence. He has been speaking better and better each day. At this point we understand more of what he says than not. This certainly makes life much easier.
So, this afternoon Tucker and I were in the kitchen while Caroline finished her nap. I left the room for just a second and heard the sweetest little angel voice say "Mommy, where are you?" He spoke these words as clearly as I could have. In fact, for a brief second, I thought that maybe Caroline was up from her nap and calling for me. I responded and said, "I'm right here" as I entered the kitchen. He looked up at me and smiled and said "OK." At that moment I realized that he was more little boy than baby. I'm not ready for that...I want my precious little cuddly baby boy back! Thankfully he is still (and will always be) precious and cuddly when he chooses to be, but baby no more.
Caroline is a HUGE Taylor Swift fan. This came as a result from being in England and watching hours of videos on YouTube on rainy days. I Tivo'ed a couple of segments about Taylor's videos and we have watched them over and over. In each video, Taylor has a "boyfriend." I asked Caroline if she had a boyfriend and she said, "no, I have a brudder (aka brother)." I then explained that a boyfriend is a boy you love that is not your brother. At that point she said "I have a Daddy, not a boyfriend."
20 September 2009
Polly Crockett Festival
On Saturday we made the trip down the mountain to Cowan to attend the Polly Crockett Festival. We went last year and the kids really enjoyed it so we thought we would try it again, despite the rain. All Caroline could talk about was the animals. She really wanted to go to the petting zoo. However, I am not sure she touched even one animal! Tucker petted the chicks, rabbits, goat and horse. Caroline acted like she was going to pet the rabbits, but they hopped away as soon as she got close enough. (I can't imagine why they would have been afraid!)
After we visited the animals, we went to the bounce house area. Tucker loved it and fell down immediately after standing up in the bounce house. It was really funny! For some reason, Caroline did not want to jump. I think she saw the bigger bounce house and wanted to get in that one, but it looked like it was for bigger kids. Well, it didn't matter because at about this time the rain returned. I make a quick stop for a funnel cake and then we ran to the car. It was a fun, but quick trip.
18 September 2009
Many almost 3 year olds say some funny things. I am finding that Caroline is saying more and more "funny" things that are too good to not be shared. So, I don't have any pictures with this post but her sayings are sometimes just as good as pictures. I often post some of her sayings on Facebook, but for those of you not in the Facebook world, here are a couple.
Last night a little before 8 pm, Tucker was in his crib and should have been sleeping. Instead, he is calling out "Carwine, Carwine!" In response, Caroline says, "It's ok Tucker I'm right here. Go to sleep. I'm just reading boring books."
Today on the way to Monteagle, we passed the field where cows are usually hanging out. I guess Caroline spotted one while it was pooping and she said, "Mommy, cows are pooping!" I reacted and said, "Eeeewwww, gross!" Caroline followed with "No Mommy it's not gross. Cows are just pooping. Cows don't get a special treat. Only big girls get special treats."
I was at Dr. Amy's office with the kids today and while we were waiting Caroline said, "Don't worry Buddy...I'm Doctor Girl!"
16 September 2009
"Wanna see some twirls?"
This video is from a couple nights ago. I am just now having a chance to post it. Enjoy!
14 September 2009
13 September 2009
Future "Feetball" Star?
This evening we went to cheer on the Theologs in IM football. Tucker had a great time throwing the "feetball." No kidding, that is exactly what he says. I am not sure he had ever played with a football before, but I have a feeling this will not be the last time he has a football in his hands. You can see the excitement on his face! He loved it!
Sideways Dancing
Caroline was playing tea party in her room quietly when suddenly I hear "Mommy, Taylor Swift, Mommy, Taylor Swift!" Sure enough Taylor's song came on the radio. Caroline already had the tutu on when I came in the room. The video is pretty cute so I went ahead and posted it even though it is sideways. I am still learning about using the camera for videos. Next time I will not turn the camera...sorry!
09 September 2009
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