25 April 2008

Time With Daddy

Here's the Polka-Dot Bunch with their Daddy.
Yes, they're a hand full!!!  How did we ever survive without fleece "jim-jams."

One thing is certain about Caroline, she absolutely loves her books.

24 April 2008

Beans and Tucks

One day, Mary woke up to find a new double-stroller (in the box) leaning against our Jeep.  To the secret santa out there, we say THANK YOU!!!  This stroller will undoubtedly come in handy for all those sunset beach walks that we'll be doing this summer in Florida.

Fun Time

Caroline has taken to eating off her plate now.

Tucker chills in his bouncy seat.

Caroline does sit still sometimes, though we had to sneak up on her to take this photo.

23 April 2008

A Quick Update

So, it's been awhile since we've updated our blog.  Here are a couple of photos of Caroline and Tucker.  We have tons to post but we've been busy with allergies, eye infections, and the end of classes.  Hopefully, we'll get more up in the next few days.

Stay tuned!

There's no doubt in our minds that this girl has "personality."

Tucker and Friends...from left to right:  Noah, Tucks, and Megan.  The three new kids of the School of Theology's Class of 2010.  They're thinking, "hah...no sleep for them!"