Thursday was a pretty uneventful day. Tucker seemed to be feeling better, but I was starting to feel worse. Chad took the kids to coffee at 11 am, and then to the playground. I managed to go with them to lunch, but didn't feel like eating much. Naps consumed most of the afternoon and dinner soon followed. At this point the kids were really getting restless and needed to get out. I felt a little better after a nap and decided that fresh air would be a good thing.
We went to the football field and let them run and be silly! You can tell from the pictures that there was lots of silly going on! After making the usual stop at the goldfish pond, we came back inside and Chad (for some reason!) gave Tucker an oreo. He made a huge mess. This picture was only the beginning, as I had to put the camera away and get some paper towels to clean up the mess. Caroline loved to point out that "Tucker made a big mess!"

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