This Easter, we attended the 11:00 service at All Saints'. It was packed and standing room only. We got two seats at the very back of the church, but ended up spending a good bit of the time outside as it was a gorgeous day. Thankfully, some of our friends were in the same predicament and we all just let our kids play until it was time for communion.
As we were slowly walking up for communion or "to get bread" as Tucker says, a lady sitting at the end of the isle asked me if she could "steal him." Tuck was about as cute as it gets with his little hands out waiting to get bread. There was no way I was gonna give him up at that moment! I was very proud to be the mommy of the cute little boy anxious to take communion. It was a very angelic moment for him!
As for Caroline, she insisted on walking behind me so she could be closer to Ava. Anytime I touched her shoulder to help move her along she took a step back...she's a big girl now and doesn't need help! And yes, the pretty little girl with the pretty little dress and pearl necklace on, also has on cowgirl boots. It was a miracle that she even put the dress on so we were not going to push our luck and insist that she wear "real church shoes." However, a dress and cowgirl boots is quite the fashion trend with the Sewanee undergrads.

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