Sunday was an uneventful day. The sun was out but it was very windy. Tucker and Caroline took early naps so once they woke up we went to the playground. We stayed for almost an hour, as there were lots of other kids there to play with. All the pictures I have are of Tucker. Caroline was playing with friends and didn't want to be bothered with pictures. She had a lot of fun playing with "that boy" and "that girl." I think the boy and girl were a little older, but that did not bother Miss Caroline.
Apparently this was not enough outside time so after dinner we went to explore the grounds (again). Caroline loves it when I race her down the path to the football field. As soon as we get out there she takes her shoes off and just runs all over the place. I enjoy watching them be free to go and do whatever they want. Caroline picked some flowers for Daddy, Tucker and Mommy, while Tucker looked for sticks.

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